Performing Arts Classes in and around the Rochester area | Beyond the Nest (Rochester)

Performing Arts Classes in and around the Rochester area

Arts: Performance - overall Organizations
Dance Organizations
Drama/Musical theater Organizations
Music - all Organizations
Piano Organizations
Strings (violin, etc) Organizations
Wind/brass Organizations
Guitar Organizations
Drums/Percussion Organizations
Voice/Chorus Organizations



50 N. Plymouth Ave., Rochester, NY 14614 | (585)454-4596
26 Gibbs St., Rochester, NY 14604 | 585.274.1000
4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618 | 585-389-2525
1622 State Route 332, Farmingtion, NY 14425 | 585-398-0220
2233 Penfield Rd, Penfield, NY 14526 | (585) 500-5739
2301 Westside Drive, Rochester, New York 14624
2160 Penfield Rd Penfield, NY 14526 585-364-3766
2160 Penfield Rd Penfield, NY 14526 585-364-3766