Sound ExChange Orchestra

Sound ExChange Orchestra is an organization that responds creatively to the following question: how can live instrumental music thrive in contemporary culture? We believe music is not only relevant to society; it is essential to our well-being. This ensemble, founded by young professional musicians in Rochester, is dedicated to exploring what the current generation of musicians can do to contribute to the vitality of orchestral and chamber music.
The goal of Sound ExChange is to offer a new experience with music by breaking down the barriers that normally exist between audiences and performers. At our concerts the audience members are encouraged to sit within the orchestra, which allows them to connect with musicians and be immersed in the sound. Sound ExChange seeks to demonstrate the relevance and impact of music to new listeners and to facilitate a social and intellectual exchange between the audience and musicians.
We champion collaboration and are always open to new ideas. For more information or to get in touch with us, please visit our website at, "like" us on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter at